Well, we're almost there. I have approximately 3 weeks until I outprocess AFG. Still determining when I can leave Kuwait. The Freedom Flight directly to Ft Benning only leaves there once per week on Saturday nights. I'm told that since I have a weapon (go figure, ARMED conflict and all), I have to take the Freedom Flight. Then 5(!) days at Ft Benning for demob. I really don't think it'll take 5 days, but we'll see. So I thought I'd compile a list of things I miss and will look forward to when I get home. Wife, family, co-workers and friends are a given. So here ya go...
Taking a shower without having to wear "shower-shoes" (flip-flops, nothing between the toes please)
Actual metal silverware
Anything green, not associated with an Army uniform - trees, grass, shrubs
Bodies of water (that don't have poo in them), preferably with mountains as a background
Weekends or just 1 day off
Picking out clothes to wear. Don't get me wrong, there's something quite simple about wearing ACU's or Army PT uniform every day. My tan looks kinda funny, though. Back of hands, neck and face.
TV programs (with sound, preferable)
A bathroom that's 10 feet away for that middle of the night run. Thanks enlarging prostate and copious fluid intake. Gotta put those shower shoes on in the middle of the night, too.
A nice, cold beer with a slice of Godfather's combo
Real radio, not BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting System) and its techno-hip-hop.
A run outside, not on a treadmill (too dusty, hot, crowded, poo-pond smelling here)
Doing my own laundry. Will gladly accept Laundry Boy chores upon my return
Not needing to wear 40 pound body armor in 100 degree heat
TV commercials, not military public service anouncements
My own bed
Finally, an internet connection that doesn't cost $70 per month with speeds slower than dial-up. Drives me absolutely insane. While typing this post for the past 15 minutes I've been uploading the picture of the "grass" outside our "office". It still isn't done!!!
But I've got it EASY!
God bless those troops of all nations doing the actual war fighting here and keep them safe.
Happy Memorial Day!!!