Awoke at 0400 to the sound of "fsst, BOOM; fsst, BOOM". Damn, are we under attack? I looked around and no one else was scurring about so I figured they were "ours outgoing". Turns out they were practicing! If it was a rocket attack, there would of been sirens. They haven't had one in weeks.
Awoke again at 0745, dressed and went across the street to the "boardwalk" for breakfast. The boardwalk is truly a wooden boardwalk around a dirt field the size of a regular baseball field. Stores line the boardwalk that include BK, Subway, Mama Mia pizza and a very popular Canadian coffee and doughnut shop called Tim Horton's. I decide to a get large latte from a French coffee shop. Three bucks, not bad! Talked to Jolene through the AT&T call center while I finished the latte. Next off to billeting to get a "permanent" room. They gave me the same type of room but with 4 single beds, a small fridge and microwave. I have two room-mates. Bill is a Captain in the Navy and Bruce is an Air Force Colonel and an internal medicine physician. We're all the same rank which is how they house you.
I met with a Civil Affairs liason who walked me to the NATO area where I'll be working. Met Dr. Ewan Cameron who is a physician in the British Army and a public health doc. He was meeting with two visiting NGO (non-Governmental Organization) representatives concerning humanitarian assistance and I sat in not understanding much.
I then went off with a Canadian captain to inprocess and meet various folks at Regional Command South. My official title is Stabilizing Division Medical Advisor.
I've got some work to do to get up to speed with all of the jargon and who does what around there. Lots of UK, Canadian and Dutch troops. Spent the rest of the evening unpacking and organizing my one wall cabinet (which is plenty) and my bed area.
Back to work at 0730 tomorrow so off to sleep...
For anyone interested, my address is...
COL Michael Johnson
ISAF RC(S) HQ Stability Division
APO AE 09355
If you really must send me something, I like the Gatorade packets to put in the ubiquitous bottled water that is everywhere.
I haven't made it through my 5 packs of beef jerkey, yet (Jolene!)
how about starbucks via instant packs?
You ate a hamster? Did it have a name? Was it Scott's we could never find?
ReplyDeleteThanks Scott but have them and haven't used them as there coffee every where you go here.
ReplyDeleteMom - a hamster is chicken cordon bleu; get with the lingo.