Up at 0530 because my body said so. Ate breakfast at Luxemborg DFAC and happended to meet up with LTC (UK) Cameron for whom I work.
Jolly good chap.
Then walked over to the boardwalk and called Jolene from the AT&T call center for a few minutes. Calling card is $22 for 140 minutes from AFG (recently found out Skype is much cheaper (2 cents per minute to a landline, works great)). Had to be at ISAF RC(S) compound by 0730 this AM. That acronym stands for International Security Assistance Force (NATO) Regional Command South. My official title is RC(S) Stability Division Medical Advisor. Whatever that is...
Listened to the daily update at 0745 that included any conflict incidents from the previous day for RC(S), had another meeting at 0830 with COL (UK) Bricknell who is the big boss. Then had a "conference" that lasted from 1000 to 1700 with 45 minutes for lunch. This was an interface between the ISAF folks (military) and NGO's (Non-governmental orginizations - Red Cross, etc) and PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Teams) representatives regarding health and education. I've quickly come to realize there are huge amounts of money coming into AFG to rebuild the country. Very large pie and everyone wants a say on how their piece is utilized. Interestingly, there were 15 people involved in this conference and all of the military were male and all others were female.
Got out of there ~1730, worked out and had a salad for dinner. What's become of me???
The picture is the "building" on RC(S) compound where LTC Cameron, Kristen (USAid) and I work. Like every building here, it has A-C!
It looks as if your orange badge has already expired