Awoke in Kuwait, showered and ate breakfast. Went to flight manifest call at 1000. This roll call keeps you on the flight list. For the flight to Bagram Air Base, we had to be back at noon. This next manifest call got you on the plane. As an O-6, I'm near the top of the list (considered a "DV" or distinguished visitor. I bet a lot of folks would argue that one!) so getting a flight wasn't difficult. Unfortunately, quite a few folks who came with me from Ft Benning had to wait until the next flight in the evening.
I had 45 minutes to lug my four duffel bags from my tent to the flight tent in 85 degree heat. We then waited until 1430 then loaded the buses to the airfield. Loaded through the open back end of a C-17. The flight to Manas, Kyrgyzstan took 5 hours in a noisy, cramped plane. We then had a 3 hour layover at an Air Force terminal. (came to learn we were delayed because President Obama made a surprise visit to Bagram). Boarded the same plane for a 2 hour flight to Bagram Air Base. I completely lost track of day and time.
My troubles with the Civil Affairs unit continue. While almost everyone else had a point of contact here at Bagram, I was left standing in the reception area trying to call my contact in Kabul. No luck for 2 hours so I sat around the terminal receiving area. The folks in the office started dialing random numbers that they found on Outlook until I got a live person. He transferred me to a contact who knew of me and told me to get the next flight to Kandahar. So now I sit in the "DV" lounge for the next 3 hours typing and waiting for the next flight manifest.
Is it Monday? Random thought, I forgot how much I "missed" AFN (Armed Forces Network) public service announcements. They don't have commercials so all you see are PSA's.
I'll update when I get to Kandahar...
Well the first flight manifest at 1145 didn't have any "Space A" for passengers. Walked to a DFAC (dining facility) and had lunch next to two soldiers from New Zealand. I'm amazed at how many different nations are represented here.
Next manifest at 1300 also no Space A. Now I have to wait until 1630 for the last manifest to Kandahar for the day. If I don't make it, I'll have to get billeting and stay the night.
Fortunately, I made that last flight on a C-130. Canvas jump seats line the bulkheads and down the center of the plane. Most uncomfortable 1 hour flight I've ever had. Had to change position every 5 minutes or my butt would fall asleep.
Swiped into Kandahar and another colonel who was getting picked up asked if I needed a ride. You bet! It was late and dark and my only other option was to catch a bus to billeting with my 4 bags. Got a temporary room (4 bunk room, top bunk again) and a good night's sleep.
Hi Mike,Saw your mother yesterday she is fine but concerned about your well being. She gave me your blog address so I will follow your postings as you work through the 90 days. Be careful and know that Joyce and I are thinking about you. Will write again. Best Wishes, Alan Weiss